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Frank Gryniak - Online Memorial Website

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Frank Gryniak
Born in New York
86 years
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Life story
October 25, 1921
Born in New York Yonkers, NY on October 25, 1921.
December 18, 2007
Passed away on December 18, 2007 at the age of 86.
December 19, 2007
 GRYNIAK, Frank J. 86 a long time resident of Yonkers, passed away December 16 at the home of his devoted daughter Laura and strong son-in-law Matthew. Frank was born November 25, 1921 in Yonkers. He graduated Saunders Trade School in 1939, and served in the Army during World War II in several Pacific Campaigns. He was happily married to the love of his life, Rosalie Turek Gryniak, until her death in 1996. He retired after 38 years of service with the NY Telephone Co. He was a faithful communicant of the Church of St. Anthony’s for many years. Frank is survived by his beloved sister Stella, loving sons Frank, Robert and daughter Laura (Matt). Cherished grandchildren Lynette, Susan, Frank, Erin and Ellen, and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and friends He was predeceased by his parents Catherine and Matthew, his infant son Lawrence, twin infant brothers, Michael and Matthew and half-sister Josephine.
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